Das Team International Office der PPH Augustinum freut sich sehr, dass die Studierendenmobilität im Rahmen von Erasmus+ wieder Fahrt aufnimmt und zahlreiche junge Menschen aus ganz Europa unsere Hochschule für ein Auslandssemester gewählt haben. Die Gaststudent*innen werden vom Team bestens betreut, nehmen an diversen Lehrveranstaltungen teil und lernen bei Stadtrundgängen und Exkursionen Stadt und Land kennen.
Einige unserer Gaststudent*innen stellen sich in Kurzporträts selbst vor, blicken erwartungsvoll auf ein interessantes Semester und freuen sich auf viele neue Bekanntschaften.
Laura Adrienn Csirmaz
I am Laura Adrienn Csirmaz from Hungary, from Debrecen. I go to university in Debrecen, but I spend my last semester here in Graz. This is my last year in my study, I’ll be a special education teacher and a speech therapist. I really like to learn to play instruments and I play the guitar. In my free time I do tae kwon do and I like to go hiking and explore new cities, get to know new cultures, languages and people. I like to watch art films, go to the theather or festivals, or read a good book. Last semester I tried to do as much as possible, but I had to do a lot of work for my home university and also for the Augustinum. I hope this semester I can do it more relaxed, enjoy and discover Graz in the spring and the summer. I really-really look forward to it!
Jan Kaláb
My name is Jan Kaláb and I come from the Czech Republic. I study at Masaryk University in Brno. I have loved German since elementary school, which is the reason I am now studying the German language for educational purposes. I have a lot of hobbies. Besides German, I am also interested in modern history. Among my other hobbies is literature, especially books about historical events and the fate of their witnesses. I also like watching films or TV series (One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Amadeus and The Crown are the best). Last but not least, sport is as well one of my interests. I used to play handball for many years. What do I expect from my stay in Graz? The most important thing I am really looking forward to is meeting new and inspiring people as well as getting to know a new environment and culture. From a personal point of view, I mainly want to improve my language and professional skills.
Begüm Karahan
I am Begüm Karahan from Turkey. In my free time, I enjoy indulging in my hobbies such as grabbing a coffee and taking long walks, as well as engaging in physical activities such as CrossFit and figure skating. I am interested in child psychology and early-age language development, I am eager to pursue my career in this field. My focus is on bilingual children, and I am excited to further my understanding of this topic through my studies. Additionally, I am deeply passionate about interacting with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, which makes me excited to study at PPH Augustinum in Graz. During my time in Graz, I aim to gain valuable knowledge and skills in my field of study, as well as learn more about the culture, history, and surrounding regions of the city. I am also looking forward to engaging with other students and researchers in order to create meaningful connections that will help me in my future studies and career. Overall, I am excited to embark on this journey and am fully dedicated to making the most out of this opportunity.
Greta Kriauciunaite
My name is Greta Kriauciunaite, I am 24 years old pedagogy student from Lithuania. I am currently on the 2nd year pursuing bachelors degree in preschool and primary education pedagogy. Currently I am doing an internship in school in a 1st and 2nd grade class mostly teaching Lithuanian language grammar, writing and reading and I am also starting to work as an online tutor with primary age kids teaching language, maths and english language. I am very interested in a field of pedagogy, psychology and I am passionated about alternative education, such as waldorf, montessori, democtratic schools, green schools and etc. From 2023 september I was asked to become the main teacher at the new school so I really hope to get some real experience, learn new methods that I could implement as a main teacher once I come back to Lithuania. I would like to have as much real, hands-on experience as possible. My other hobbies are being in nature, hiking, doing yoga, meditation, other sports. Other interests would be business, money, investing, also theater, dancing, creative activities.
Rocio Marquez Lopez
Who are you? My name is Rocío Márquez López.
Where are you from? I come from Spain.
Interests, hobbies: I like to travel and to go to the cinema with friends.
Please tell us briefly what you expect from your study visit in Graz? This is my second semester in Austria so I already know about how PPH Augustinum works and about the city. At the beginning it was hard to adapt to everything, especially when you don't know the language, but then when people decide to open themself to try to get to know you, that's when you start enjoying life in Austria.
Boglarka Mezö
Ich bin Boglárka Mező, eine 21-jährige Universitätsstudentin. Ich lebe mit meinen Eltern in Debrecen, Ungarn, in einem zentral gelegenen Mehrfamilienhaus. Ich mag sehr tanzen und singen. Ich habe Tanz im Gymnasium studiert, Gesellschaftstanz, modernen Tanz, Ballett und Volkstanz, deswegen bin ich sehr offen für jeden Tanzstil. Ich habe mein Studium 2020 an der Fakultät für Kinder- und Sonderpädagogik der Universität Debrecen mit dem Schwerpunkt Kindergartenpädagogik begonnen. Ich habe mein Studium im Schuljahr 2021/2022 pausiert. Ich habe mich für eine Au-Pair-Stelle in Deutschland beworben und ein Jahr in Hanau verbracht, um zwei Zwillingskinder zu betreuen. Ich möchte nun in dieser Zeit verschiedene Kulturen in Graz kennenlernen. Ich bin offen für Neues und freue mich immer, neue Leute kennenzulernen.
Fanni Eszter Molnar
Ich heiße Fanni Eszter Molnar, ich bin 20 Jahre alt. Ich komme aus Ungarn. Ich wohne in Hajdúnánás. Es ist eine kleine Stadt in Nordosten von Ungarn. Ich studiere im vierten Semester Sozialpädagogik an der Universität Debrecen. Mein Hobbys sind Wandern, lesen und Volkstanz. Ich mache seit 12 Jahren Volkstanz. Tanzen gibt mir viel Kraft und entspannt mich. Ich lerne gerne neue Kulturen, Menschen und Städten kennen. Ich möchte in Graz das Leben und Österreich kennenlernen, meine Deutschkenntnisse üben und verbessern, die interessante Orte entdecken, lebenslängliche Kontakte knüpfen.
Adriana Nelli Szücs
Ich bin Adriána Nelli Szűcs aber ich nutze Ada, ich bin 21 Jahre alt und ich studiere im vierten Semester Kindergartenpädagogik an der Universität Debrecen. Ich komme aus Ungarn und ich wohne in Karcag, es ist eine kleine Stadt. Ich mag in meiner Freizeit spazieren gehen, Bücher lesen, Musik hören und zeichnen. Ich möchte hier neue Kultur und neue Menschen kennenlernen und diese Stadt zu entdecken. Außerdem möchte ich meine English- und Deutschkenntnisse üben und verbessern. Erasmus ist eine gute Möglichkeit mir meine Selbstständigkeit und Selbstsicherheit zu üben.
Elena Wagnerova
My name's Elena Wagnerova and I’m 22. I’m from Prague in the Czech Republic but I study at the Masaryk University in Brno, which is a city in Czechia very similar to Graz. My fields of study are Visual arts and German language for Education, and that defines my hobbies quite accurately. I love both production and perception of art, foreign languages and culture, and working with children and teenagers. Have been a girl scout since childhood and was a girl scout leader for 5 years. I like challenges and adrenaline, but sometimes prefer a quiet walk in nature, taking photos with an analog camera or reading over a cup of good coffee. From my study visit in Graz I expect to improve my German, gain new experiences, meet new friends and maybe get to know myself a little better. I look forward to meeting you!
Kontakt im International Office, speziell für Incomings:
Mag. Mag. Thomas Jäger
Elisa Wohlhart