Am 28. Februar 2022 lud das International Office der PPH Augustinum die Erasmusstudierenden zum Welcome Day ein. Die Freude über reale Begegnungen war groß, selbstverständlich wurden dabei alle Coronamaßnahmen verantwortungsvoll berücksichtigt.
Stellvertretend für das International Office begrüßten Magdalena Käfel und Thomas Jäger die Incomings sehr herzlich an der Hochschule. Gemeinsam mit weiteren Lehrenden hatten sie ein buntes Willkommensprogramm vorbereitet, u.a. Einblicke in den Studienbetrieb und einen -virtuellen- Rundgang durch den Campus Augustinum und die Stadt Graz, welche nun für einige Monate „ihre“ Studienstadt sein wird. Eine IT-Einführung stellte sicher, dass sich die Gäste auch im Studienmanagement gut orientieren können. Den Abschluss bildete ein gemeinsames Mittagsessen in der Mensa.
Noortje Bevers und Chelsea Dam, beide aus den Niederlanden, formulieren ihren Erwartungen an den Studienaufenthalt so: “I hope I will learn more about how education is offered here in Austria and how children develop in it.”, meint Noortje. Chelsea ergänzt: “With my international study at PPH Augustinum I would like to earn more knowledge about different teaching methods and I would like to develop an attitude in which I can motivate and stimulate children at school to always do their best. Also, I’m curious to see how the Austrian school system works and how it effects the children’s development.”
Die Dritte im Bunde ist Dominika Kovacs aus Ungarn. Sie war schon im Wintersemester an der PPH Augustinum und hat ihren Aufenthalt um ein Semester verlängert.
Daniela Krienzer hat mit den Erasmusstudierenden Interviews geführt, hier nun ihre Porträts:
Chelsea Dam, 21 years old, lives with her parents and younger brother in the Netherlands. She is currently studying to become a teacher. She loves working with children very much. More things she loves doing are singing, traveling, watching movies or to go out for diner or a drink with her friends. If she has to describe herself in three words – she tells us- it would be: creative, sensitive and cheerful (most of the time!)
The reason she is coming to Graz is because … “I´m going to do my minor here”. She has heard that it’s a beautiful city. She also tells us, that it would be a good experience for her to live on her own for a while and to get more independent. Besides she would love to improve her German language, because she lives near the German boarder so that would be quite useful for her.
Noortje Bevers, 22 years old, lives with her parents in Enschede also in the Netherlands. She is studying to be a preschool teacher, so – she tells us- “the Private Pedagogical University Augustinum is a great opportunity for me to study here in summerterm! I am very excited to come to Graz and to explore the city!“
Dominika Kovács, 20 years old, from Nyírbátor, Hungary, has already been studying at our Campus in Winterterm. She studied Elementary Pedagogy at the university of Debrecen. Her hobbies are hiking, reading, biking. Besides she likes to go out together with her friends and meet new people. “I´ll stay one more term and I´m looking forward to many more experiences.”
They are all very excited to come to Graz and they are sure, they´ll have a great time there.
We warmly welcome all our Students and we are looking forward to meeting them soon and having a great summerterm together in Graz and at the PPH Augustinum.
Team der Koordinationsstelle International Office:
Maria Eisner-Fasching
Carina Fartek
Diana Groß
Thomas Jäger
Magdalena Käfel
Daniela Krienzer
Am Titelbild v.l.n.r.: Chelsea Dam, Noortje Bevers und Dominika Kovács
Elisa Wohlhart